The integration into transregional and global contexts is an essential characteristic of Ottoman and Turkish history. Hence, the diverse entanglements and transfer processes between the Ottoman Empire on the one and the Christian and Muslim political world on the other hand represent one of the main foci of this professorship. In addition to that, the various living environments of people are examined in detail, so that especially aspects of the economic and cultural history, as well as the history of mentalities are incorporated into the research and teaching.
The latest news are only available in German.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft
Historisches Institut
Fachnummer 182
Lehrstuhl für Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches und der Türkei (ORT)
Universitätsstraße 150
44780 Bochum
Room: GA 4/148
Phone: (0234) – 32 – 24670
Fax: (0234) – 32 – 14083
Mailing Address
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches und der Türkei
Fach Nr. 182
Industriestr. 38c
44894 Bochum
Victoria Junkernheinrich
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: available by mail, consultation hour by arrangement
Please note current information and changes
Room: GA 4/157 (south)
Phone: (0234) - 32 - 28635
Fax: (0234) - 32 - 14083